mizuiro が開発した「おやさいクレヨン」は、規格外で捨てられるはずだった青森の地元野菜を原料につくられています。赤ちゃんにも安心で、しかも地球にも優しい、まさに「エコなクレヨン」。とうもろこし、にんじん、ねぎ、りんご……。見た目は地味ですが、本物の自然色がここにはあります。
No, no, no! Take it out of your mouth!
A baby is munching on a crayon. The mother, seeing this, panics and fusses. She is desperate to get the baby to spit it out somehow. However, this crayon is safe to eat.
The “Oyasai Crayons” developed by mizuiro are made from local Aomori vegetables that were out of standard and should have been thrown away. These crayons are safe for babies and gentle to the earth, making them truly “eco-friendly crayons”. Corn, carrots, green onions, and apples. They may look plain, but you will find real natural colors here.